ron-t miscellany


Here are various webpages that don`t fit in anywhere else.



A fast rise in the Tay

On the 28th October 2007, the river Tay had a very fast change in level from a very low level of 0.6 metres up to 2.4 metres in just 6 hours. I was curious as to why the river level would change so much in such a short time, so I did some digging to see if I could see why it happened. Here is what I found.



Joining ropes for long abseils

When I was digging around on the internet for some information about abseiling, I came across several websites that advocate that the best way to join two ropes for a long abseil is to use a double overhand knot. I strongly disagree - here`s why.



Exploring the Craighall gorge

In May 2010, I tried to swim/gorge/walk through the Craighall gorge. I never made it.






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