out and about - 2024


05 September 2024 ............. A very unusual sighting



Late afternoon down at Irvine point - and the broken cloud was creating some nice lighting over Arran -

 some nice lighting over Arran

However that isn`t the most interesting part of the photo - if you look very closely just to the right of Arran, you can just make out two mountains - I didn`t have any kind of map with me from which I could work out what they were - but here is a closer, long focus view of them -

 the two very distant peaks

A couple of hours later, and very unexpectantly, there was a superb sunset - this is looking away up the coast from Irvine point - with Arran causing quite a shadow -

 the sunset

Again, if you look closely at the photo, you can see the two mountains away in the distance - I still had no idea what they were - so I asked various people who were also there - it`s a busy place Irvine point - and I was told quite reliably that those peaks are the Paps of Jura.

So how about that - the Paps of Jura - viewed from Irvine.

Wow !

 the Paps of Jura








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