out and about - 2023


10 October 2023 ............. East of St Donat`s



A trip along a bit of the coastal path to the east of St Donat`s to make the best of what was probably the last day of the good weather.

I had only been out the day before at Nash Point, but I wanted to do this bit of the coastal path before the October rains started - the path is quite muddy in places and when it is wet it is quite sticky and slippy and not the nicest bit of the coastal path - although it certainly isn`t the worst.

I was lucky, the recent dry spell meant that most of the mud was dried hard so it was okay to walk on and quite firm.

It isn`t the most scenic of routes for the first section - you are walking along the muddy path separated from the cliff tops by a sort of wild hedge and trees - so there is no view - just occasional glimpses of the sea far below you.

Eventually the path opens out a bit and you begin to get a view - then the path goes through a gap in the wall and you are now on a sort of open headland just before Tresilian Bay - it is a good viewpoint, with views away to the east and to the west.

Looking westwards back toward St Donat`s -

 looking west along the coast

Looking along to the east past Tresilian Bay -

 looking eastwards along the coast

Tucked away in the corner of the headland is a pillbox - it is rather low lying and all the bushes around the edge of the cliffs now prevent any kind of a view from inside -

 the pillbox

Some nice lighting out across the Bristol Channel as the cloud was beginning to build -

 looking out across the Bristol Channel

Time was passing a bit too quickly so I didn`t go away down to Tresilian Bay, but started to head back - a last look eastwards before going through the gap in the wall -

 looking eastwards along the coast








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