out and about - 2021


02 April 2021 ............... A good sunset



Whilst the south of the UK had blue sky and sunshine with a record breaking high temperature for March, this area had 5 days of typical Argyll weather with day after day of rain with few breaks, and the snowline was halfway down the mountains again.

So it made a nice change to get a better sort of day, plenty of sunshine but a very cold north wind - and a good sunset over Dùn da Ghaoithe, athough the view is a bit blocked off by the trees.

 the sunset

Funny to think that in a few hours there would be frost all over the grass, and a layer of ice all over the windscreen.

But not really surprising - the weather in Scotland is pretty well independent of the weather in the rest of the UK, and is a lot poorer as a result - colder, wetter, more stormy - and a shortage of sunshine.







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