out and about - 2021


05 January 2021 ............... Super views



Another cold and clear day, with some super views and lighting from the late afternoon sunshine - to start, the mountains on Mull were standing out nicely -

 the mountains on Mull

Up the coast a bit, and the lighting was fairly showing off the Corbetts over on Kingairloch -

 the mountains on Kingairloch

Continuing on round, and the two Munros just to the south of Ballachulish were looking good -

 the two Munros

Round a bit more, and Beinn Sgulaird was unusually clear -

 Ben Sgulaird

Last, and very definitely not least, Cruachan was catching the late afternoon sunshine nicely -

 Ben Cruachan

Heading away back down, just in time to catch the sunset away down to the south -

 the sunset

A while later, and back down beside the sea - and rather strangely, quite a time after the sunset, a brightly coloured patch of cloud appeared -

 the cloud

Not too sure, but I think that the current cold and clear spell of weather will be coming to an end in the next day or two - I won`t be sorry, I don`t like the intense cold we have been having, but it has produced some super pictures over the last few days.






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