out and about - 2020


18 July 2020 ................ Some dramatic lighting



A long gap in the pictures - basically because the weather has been so foul for the last week or so - lots of low cloud, rain off and on, damp, muggy - and very midgey.

Nearly all of July so far has been like this - the west coast of Scotland in its most unpleasant form - sometimes we get a wee blast of sunshine - maybe for an hour, maybe for a couple of hours, but it always goes back to the same foul weather.

Why anybody thinks it is a good idea to come to the west coast of Scotland in July for their holidays is totally beyond me - it is well known for the rain and midges during July.

This evening there was a bit of a break, and it was worth getting out, and a brief blast of some quite dramatic looking lighting -

 the lighting






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