out and about - 2019


01 October 2019 .............. Up on Dunollie Beg



I don`t think it really qualifies as a climb, so it is in the Out and About section of the website.

Although it is only 127 metres high, it was quite a hard climb up, and an even worse descent back down, over some very wild vegetation and fighting through 2 metre high half dead bracken. Maybe there is an easier way of getting up and down that I haven`t found yet.

However it does provide some good views in all directions - not a good photograph to start with looking away down to the south down the Sound of Kerrera, as I was looking straight into quite a low but very bright sun.

Which was a shame, as it would be a good view - you can barely see it in the picture but Scarba was quite clear in real life, and also beyond it one of the Paps of Jura could also be seen.

 looking down the Sound of Kerrera

A somewhat unusual view looking down the west side of Kerrera, with Mull as the backdrop, and the entrance into Loch Spelve -

 looking down the west of Kerrera

Looking over the top of Maiden Island, past Eilean Musdile with its lighthouse, and right along the Sound of Mull - and with the mountains on Mull looking good as well.

Interesting to see a quite distinct tide race just this side of Maiden Island - from what I have seen from the road, there seems to be some quite strong currents around the narrows and Maiden Island, where the current up and down the Sound of Kerrera meets the main tidal flow on the west side of Kerrera -

 looking along the Sound of Mull

Looking over the top of Ganavan, then the north end of Lismore, and across the lower reaches of Loch Linnhe to the mountains on Kingairloch -

 looking over to Kingairloch

Last and my no means least, Cruachan looking cracking - and from here you can see the two peaks of Cruachan, I think I am right in saying that the far away peak is the true peak of Cruachan, and you don`t normally see it from all around the coastal region -

 looking across to Cruachan






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