out and about - 2019


30 March 2019 .............. Back on Luing



Back on Luing with some super weather - looking out on the sea kayakers paradise of the Firth of Lorne, with Fladda and Belnahua in the middle distance, and the Garvellachs away at the back -

 looking out on Fladda, Belnahua, and the Garvellachs

A cracking view looking out past the northern end of Belnahua to the northern end of the Garvellachs.

It doesn`t look like it in the picture, but that stack at the end of the Garvellachs is actually an island separated from the much bigger island of Garbh Eileach by a narrrow channel -

 looking over to the Garvellachs

Looking away across to the amazing cliffs on the various headlands on either side of the entrance to Loch Spelve on the east coast of Mull -

 looking over to the east coast of Mull

The Firth of Lorne is certainly a sea kayakers paradise, especially when it looks like this - but you really need to do your homework - the whole area has some of the fastest tidal currents in the UK, and strange tidal timing, with up to a 2 hours difference between slack water and high or low water.

And then there are the tide races - Dorus Mor, Corryvreckan, Grey Dogs, Cuan Sound, to mention just some of them.

And not forgetting the Falls of Lora - with its tide race which is in a class of its own.

Enjoy !






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