out and about - 2018


23 August 2018 .............. Sunset from Tŷ Newydd



Another rather grey and drizzly day , and clear skies in the evening, but with a bitterly cold wind - and I was up by the Tŷ Newydd Burial Chamber at a good time to see the start of the sunset - the Neolithic people liked their dead to have a good view from their front door -

 the sunset

After watching it for a few minutes and freezing half to death, I headed away down the road.

But when I got down the road I realised that it was turning into a rather good sunset, which I just couldn`t see properly from where I was - so I headed away back up the road again to see if I could catch it.

Alas my aging muscles are no match for a setting sun, and I missed the best bits, just making it up to a viewpoint to see the very last of the sun disappearing below the horizon.

So here it is, I got the beginning of the sunset, I got the end, but I am afraid the middle eluded me -

 the sunset

An interesting development in the signage at Tŷ Newydd - there used to be two signposts down on the road side, pointing up across the field to Tŷ Newydd, and they had different spellings.

Then maybe about a year ago, they both disappeared.

Now a new sign has appeared, and it is a well made cast sign, and it looks good.

But it doesn`t put a circumflex on the first Y, it just spells it as TY NEWYDD.

Now I did some digging on this a while ago, when the two signs with different spelling were still there - and as far as I could see, the correct spelling is Tŷ Newydd - ie, with a circumflex on the first Y.

I don`t claim to have any knowledge of Welsh or the history of the Welsh language, so I can only go by what I see on the internet, and the cadw.gov.wales website shows it as Tŷ Newydd - and they should know.

So a bit odd that the new sign doesn`t spell it the same way that Cadw does.

Or maybe there is a local variation like there is for Cader Idris - locally it is known as Cader Idris, but various more formal bodies call it Cadair Idris.






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