out and about - 2018


26 June 2018 .............. Super afternoon on Aberffraw beach



A super afternoon on and around Aberffraw beach enjoying the sunshine and the sea and the views - it was rather nice because there was a bit of high altitude cloud around, which meant that the sun wasn`t burny hot.

Had my first swim of the year - what an admission, first swim of the year and it is nearly the end of June - however I made up for the lack of previous swims, it was gorgeous and I spent ages in the water.

This is looking down on Aberffraw beach from the rocks at the south end - it is a cracking beach -

 Aberffraw beach

A bit further along above the rocks and a good view across to Dinas Bach with the backdrop of Yr Eifl and the other mountains on the Lleyn peninsula.

It is a real shame that that bit of coastline is not on the coastal path, the coastal path goes away inland and misses out the whole headland.

There is a path, obviously a historically well used path, but I don`t know what the access situation is - the access situation in Wales is so mixed up that nobody knows what the rules and policies and laws are, and despite having lots of consultations the Welsh government seems to be quite incapable of sorting it all out.

And then there is the fence - a sort of "go away you are not welcome" type of fence.

I am never sure if I am not going to meet an angry landowner with a gun.

I guess that access is not an easy thing to get right - there is the view that people should have the right to go anywhere, but there are lots of places for which open access would be entirely wrong.

I certainly wouldn`t want everybody to have the right to walk or cycle or ride horses or picnic or camp all over my garden - so where does open access end and privacy begin - I don`t know.

 Dinas Bach and the Lleyn Peninsula






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