out and about - 2018


10 May 2018 .............. Pink bluebells



It is quite amazing how fast the plants are growing in the verges of the small backroads around here - and it is nice to see the foxglove leaves are fairly growing, but no signs of any stalks or flowerheads yet - it will be nice to see them in flower again, they have such a super colour of purple.

Another of the plants that have just shot up recently is the bluebells, and there are loads of them around.

However in amongst them, in a few places, there are some pink bluebells - maybe I have just never really noticed them before, but I don`t recall seeing pink bluebells before.

Along one short section of road there were three distinct patches of them in amongst the more numerous blue ones - here is one of the patches of the pink bluebells, they are quite distictly pink -

 the pink bluebells

I was curious about them, so I did a little digging on Google, and it was quite surprising some of the comments about them.

The more informed websites reckon that pink bluebells - and also white ones - are just a classic example of diversity in the natural world.

However there is a significant number of people who have posted bad comments about them - some of them vehemently pinkophobic - they suggest that

- pink bluebells are an evil product of contamination between Spanish bluebells and English bluebells

- they must be ruthlessly pulled up and destroyed

and similar such comments.

Very strange !

Sad to see so much antagonism toward diversity in its various guises.

A few kilometres down the road, another verge, another patch of pink bluebells, these ones being a bit different in that there were no blue bluebells in the vicinity at all -

 the pink bluebells






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