out and about - 2018


07 May 2018 .............. Trwyn Euphrates



A good evening trip up to Trwyn Euphrates, on what turned out to be the last day of the good weather in Anglesey - it maybe doesn`t have the dramatic cliffs of some of the Anglesey coastline, but it is still a wild and isolated sort of place - looking up the coast towards Barclodiad y Gawres -

 looking up the coast

Looking down the coast over the top of one of the more dramatic parts, a deep ravine that cuts away into the land mass -

 looking down the coast

Further along now, and looking across a rocky bay which I think is called Caethle towards Ynys Meibion - unfortunately it was quite hazy, so there was no sign of the stunning backdrop of the Lleyn Peninsula which you sometimes get -

 looking down the coast

Back along at my starting point, and the sun is beginning to get low, and a good lighting effect out beyond Rhoscolyn -

 the low sun out beyond Rhoscolyn






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