out and about - 2018


16 January 2018 .............. Aberystwyth sea front



On the way back up to North Wales I went into Aberystwyth to visit the sea front - I have never been there before, but have heard about, partly because the sea keeps on reshaping it, despite the efforts of mankind to keep it as it is.

Afraid to say that I chose a day in which there was a vicious freezing cold wind coming in off the sea, and I didn`t have anything like enough clothes on, so my visit was a bit shorter that it might otherwise have been.

It is a super promenade - quite classic in view - this is looking along part of it -

 Aberystwyth promenade

Not surpringly, there was quite a chunky sea - this is looking round in the other direction towards the castle -

 the chunky sea

Right along at the north end of the prom now, looking south back down the prom towards the castle again -

 Aberystwyth promenade

Back down the prom and round the point at the castle and looking away down the coast to the south towards the breakwater -

 looking down the beach to the south

A closer view of the breakwater, and I caught a good wave -

 looking down to the breakwater

Across the road, and hidden away at the back is quite a good marina - it is formed in a natural sort of inland sea in the Afon Rheidol - looking at the Google satellite pictures, it looks like nature formed a long natural bar that stretched down the coast from up not far from the castle, and this bar trapped the Afon Rheidol in behind it, and it formed a sort of natural sea that is very well protected from the real sea outside the bar.

 the marina in behind the bar

By this time I was so cold I just had to find shelter to get out of the wind, so I sought refuge in the castle.

Aberystwyth castle may not have the magnitude or scale of castles like Caernarfon or Beaumaris, but it is free to get into - I guess you can`t have everything.

So here are a few views of the castle - not sure what else I can really say about it, except that it saved me dying from hypothermia !

 Aberystwyth castle

 Aberystwyth castle

 Aberystwyth castle

 Aberystwyth castle

 Aberystwyth castle

From up on the castle you get quite a good elevated view away up to the north past the pier, along the prom, and up to the hill at the back - there is some kind of railway that climbs away up the hill to the top - you can see its track in a sort of slot up the side of the hill -

 looking up to the north

As I said at the beginning, the sea does seem to have a bit of a fondness for altering the sea wall along the prom, and there was part of it that was fenced of, with lots of damage - I don`t think that this is the remains of the big damage that the prom suffered from a few years ago, I think it is more recent.

Another thing that was fairly obvious was a digger that was trying to scoop up the tons of shingle that sea has thrown up onto the prom - the gravel had been washed right across the prom and onto the road, so there was a lot of it.

 the digger scooping up the shingle

It was a good visit to the Aberystwyth sea front, but a real shame about the vicious wind - however the wind sometimes brings some unexpected sights - this Welsh flag at the entrance to the castle that has been trashed by the wind - but that Welsh dragon is hanging on in there by his teeth.

Magic !

 the Welsh dragon






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