out and about - 2018


07 January 2018 .............. Around the Stacks



A very cold but beautiful afternoon, so a trip up to the Stacks seemed a good idea.

A better view down to North Stack than I got on my last trip there -

 looking down on North Stack

A closer view, and the sun was shining right into the back of Parliament House Cave - the black vertical slot to the right is I think one opening into the space behind Annie`s Arch, and you can just see the Skerries over the top of the hill leading down to North Stack.

 a closer view of North Stack

Further along, and off the normal routes behind a bit of a hill, and I came across an amazing slot or gully that cut right down through the cliffs -

 looking down into the slot

It was very steep, but I got quite far down into it - there was some semblence of a path in places, I think that maybe it is used by climbers, as well down into the slot there is a rather good looking rock face up on the right.

It was gradually getting steeper and steeper as I went down, and then it seemed to curve downwards into a big drop down to the sea, so I gave in and turned back.

This is looking back up the slot - I am afraid the camera is lying, as it is much steeper than what it seems to be in this picture, a known problem if you look up at something with a camera - I need a camera with a shifting back - actually that is probably rather old school now, I think the modern equivalent is a camera with a tilt-shift lens.

Doesn`t matter, I don`t think you can get a cheapo compact camera with a tilt-shift lens or a shifting back.

But even with the lack of showing how steep it was, it is still an impressive slot -

 looking up the slot

I made it up on to the top of Holyhead Mountain, good views in all directions, but it was just a bit too hazy for the photos to work.

The sun was getting quite low by now, so I headed back across to South Stack, and by some unfortunate timing the sun decided to set when I was behind a hill, so I missed most of it, which was a bit of a shame.

I got to the top of the hill just in time to catch the last of the sun before it disappeared below the horizon - so this is my one and only picture of the sunset -

 the last of the sunset

Back in the car park now, and there is still a fair bit of afterglow -

 the afterglow

As I watched it fade I realised that up to the right I could actually see quite a lot of Ireland - so here it is - it isn`t a good photo, but it is quite interesting, so it is here anyway.

Ireland actually shows better in this picture than it did in real life -

 looking across to Ireland






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