out and about - 2018


05 January 2018 .............. Some strange goings on



The two low pressures on either side of the uk are bringing some strange weather - after the gales of the last couple of days, this morning there was practically no wind, somewhat hazy visibility, but some fascinating lighting out to the south east, particularily around the Nantlle Ridge.

I was out quite early, and heading along the road, and the lighting had already started, with a low angle of sun and dense broken cloud -

 the lighting effect over the Nantlle Ridge

A bit further along the road, and it had changed character -

 the lighting effect over the Nantlle Ridge

Up above Aberffraw now, and more strange lighting, quite different to what was happening earlier -

 the lighting effect over the sea

A bit later on, and the sun sort of pokes a hole through the cloud for yet a different lighting effect again

 more strange lighting

A very different sort of view out in the other direction, and something I haven`t really seen before - there wasn`t any wind, so the sea was relatively calm, but there were some big sets of swell coming in and producing some quite meaty waves in Porth Cwyfan, just beside St Cwyfan`s Church.

And quite surprisingly, there were 4 or 5 surfers out there trying to catch the waves - you can just see one of them as a little black dot.

I haven`t ever seen surfers there before, it can`t be much fun as a surfing spot as it isn`t a sandy beach, it is a rather mucky but quite large flat area of shingle and stones and rocks all mixed up, it would be rather painful if you got grounded.

Maybe that sort of sea and that sort of tide level produces a particular sort of wave at that location.

 the surf in Porth Cwyfan

Time to head away, and part of the way back along the road, and another kind of lighting beside the Nantlle Ridge - I wonder if the sun was lighting up a rain shower, to produce that sort of lighting effect -

 the lighting effect out beyond the Nantlle Ridge

Last and by no means least, the cloud had quite a distinct base, but at one point there was this strange fragment of cloud curling down and around the gap between Mynydd Tal-y-mignedd and Craig Cwm Silyn.

A morning of some quite strange goings on.

 the cloud over the Nantlle Ridge






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