out and about - 2017


03 October 2017 .............. Up on South Stack



Up on South Stack in the late afternoon - a rather dull and grey day, so the pictures don`t have a lot of life to them.

Looking down on the lighthouse - it is an amazing location even if the weather is dull and grey -

 looking down on South Stack lighthouse

Amazing cliffs just along the coast from South Stack - it is difficult to get a feel from the photograph for just how huge these cliffs are.

 the cliffs along the coast

Quite good visibility across to Rhoscolyn Head and the various islands around there -

 looking across to Rhoscolyn Head

The mountains on the Lleyn Peninsula were quite clear, although you couldn`t see any detail in them -

 looking across to the mountains on the Lleyn Peninsula

However the most surprising thing was the visibilty away over to the west and the southwest - the Wicklow Hills on Ireland were partly visible through some clouds, but didn`t come out in a photograph.

The most surprising picture is of the very far end of the Lleyn Peninsula and Bardsey Island - I think it is the best view I have ever had of them from Anglesey - they were fairly standing out.

 Bardsey Island






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