out and about - 2017


18 June 2017 .............. Even better views from above Aberffraw



Even better views from above Aberffraw this evening - again, I could see all the way from Penmaen Mawr in the east away across to the hills right at the bottom of the Lleyn Peninsula.

However there was better visibility this evening - and interestingly, one of the views that I think is the best I have ever had from there was of the Glyders.

It`s curious, but on all the previous times I have looked across to the Glyders, I have seen them as the Glyders - but today, with the better visibility, I started to work out what the individual summits are.

So I think that in this picture Elidir Fawr is on the left, but after that I am sort of stuck - I am not sure what the other two summits are.

HoweverI think, but I really am not sure, that the right hand summit is Glyder Fawr, and the middle summit is Y Garn.

I think it is misleading, because I think - I think - that the ridge that appears to connect Y Garn to Glyder Fawr isn`t connecting them, because there is quite a big drop between Y Garn and Glyder Fawr - I know that for a fact because I have done it.

So that ridge is actually the ridge that connects Glyder Fawr to Glyder Fâch - and you can actually just see the summit of Glyder Fâch just out from the side of Y Garn.

You can also see Castell y Gwynt, the rocky sort of sub-summit that is just along from Glyder Fâch - as you approach it it looks impossible to climb, but is actually just a bit of a scramble.

So it looks like it is all a bit of an illusion. And lots of fun working it all out.

 looking across to the Glyders

Snowdon just doesn`t look its best from this angle, I don`t know why, it seems to lose all its character, it has some stunning faces, but they don`t show from here.

 looking across to Snowdon

The Nantlle Ridge was showing up nicely -

 looking across to the Nantlle Ridge

Heading down the Lleyn Peninsula now, and the first block of mountains are looking good as well -

I hope you appreciate the foxglove that has gate crashed itself into the picture - there are loads of them now along all the uncut verges of the back roads all around this part of Anglesey - and they are looking great, with their striking hot pink / purple highly saturated colour.

Funny to think that purple isn`t actually a real colour - it is created inside your head out of red and blue. But still a fabulous colour !

 looking across to the mountains on the Lleyn Peninsula

Further down the Lleyn Peninsula, and still getting good views -

 looking across to the Lleyn Peninsula

Right down to the bottom end of the Lleyn Peninsula now -

 looking right down to the bottom of the Lleyn Peninsula

Last, and by no means least - what else, but Yr Eifl - looking fabulous.

 looking across to the Yr Eifl






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