out and about - 2017


30 May 2017 .............. A good evening at Traeth Llydan



After an indifferent day with a belt of rain in the late afternoon, the evening cleared up and was quite good.

This is looking across Traeth Llydan, or Broad Beach, just on the south side of Rhosneigr -

 looking across Broad Beach

A closer view, and you can see the entrance to the Chambered Cairn, or Barclodiad y Gawres, right in the centre of the picture.

 looking across to the Chambered Cairn

Round to the right, and the end of the peninsula and the island Ynys Meibion, with a rather faint Yr Eifl as the backdrop.

 looking across Broad Beach to Ynys Meibion

Round a bit more and a rather hazy view of the mid section of the Lleyn Peninsula, with a fair amount of local cloud sitting over parts of it.

 looking across to the Lleyn Peninsula






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