out and about - 2017


16 April 2017 ............ Grey, grey, and more grey



This foul weather just goes on and on - a big area of high pressure bringing a cold damp north westerly air stream bringing non stop cloud - sometimes just damp, sometimes drizzly, sometimes rain.

Little wind, unpleasant stale air - and the midges are loving it.

XC Weather keeps on forecasting that a change is coming, the wind is going to change direction, the sun is going to shine - but they keep on getting it wrong, it doesn`t change, it just goes on and on.

I am up on the bit of elevated land to the south of Barclodiad y Gawres, and getting a bit of a view across to the hills at the northern end of the LLeyn Peninsula and the cloud formations on them - I think they are Bwlch Mawr and Gyrn Ddu.

 the cloud on Bwlch Mawr and Gyrn Ddu

Later on, and I am up the road at Tywyn Fferam, and even the sun is getting pissed off with all this cloud as it desperately tries to provide a good sunset.

 the sun trying to produce a sunset

Rhoscolyn Beacon shows up nicely though.

 Rhoscolyn Beacon against the sunset






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