out and about - 2017


22 March 2017 ............ Back at Barclodiad y Gawres



I went back to Barclodiad y Gawres again - because I wanted the specific view you get from there - it had been overcast all day, and by late afternoon I noticed that the sun away to the southwest was producing a bit of backlighting out to sea, and I wondered what it would look like.

Well the incredible visibility below the cloud layer, combined with the backlighting from the sun, was producing the most amazingly sharp sea / sky horizon that you could cut yourself on it was so sharp.

And the lower end of the Lleyn Peninsula was almost silhouetted against the backlit sky -

 looking across to the Lleyn Peninsula

There must have been a bit of diffraction going on, because you can see the low lying land right down at the far end of the Lleyn Peninsula - you don`t often see that from Anglesey.

From Barclodiad y Gawres it looks as if Bardsey Island is attached to the main land, however it isn`t, you just can`t see through Bardsey Sound.

It is a shame that Barclodiad y Gawres isn`t a bit higher, as the adjacent hill to the south was hiding what would have been a great view across to some of the hills further up the Lleyn Peninsula.

 looking across to the hills further up the Lleyn Peninsula

Right round in the other direction up to the north there wasn`t the backlighting from the sun, but there was still the same superb visibility, and the same razor sharp sea / sky horizon.

There may not have been any backlighting, but instead the sea had a sort of fluorescence that meant that it was lighter than the clouds above the horizon, so the islands round Rhoscolyn Beacon were standing out amazingly.

 looking across to Rhoscolyn Beacon






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