out and about - 2016


20 October 2016 ............ Along the river Leny



I was along the track that follows the middle section of the river Leny - the section with all the rapids.

This is the first rapid of any substance, and a good warm-up for what is to come, seeing how many eddies you can catch.

 looking down on the top rapid from the bridge

Down at the Falls of Leny now, looking back up river with the top end of the right hand drop in the lower portion of the picture.

 looking up river at the start of the right hand drop

Looking down the right hand drop - the route through the lead in to the drop is critical, in order to get the right line down the drop.

 looking down on the lead in to the right hand drop

Looking back up the right hand drop -

 looking back at the right hand drop

You can`t see all of it from the river right bank, but this is the lower end of the left hand side of the Falls of Leny - there isn`t a drop as such, but it is a fairly tortuous route down.

A long time ago it was graded as a grade 5, but then it was downgraded to a grade 4 - I am not sure why, the river hadn`t changed, I don`t think it was the correct thing to do.

This isn`t your average grade 4 pool/drop kind of rapid - this is much more serious, the route is critical, and the results of getting it wrong are significant.

I don`t like this idea that we should be constantly downgrading difficulties because some people have the skills to make it seem easy.

 looking down on the top rapid from the bridge

After these two drops the river flows through a gorge for maybe about 70 metres or so, with a few lesser whooshy bits, and then there is the last rapid.

Hmmm - the last rapid. Get it right and it is a breeze.

Get it wrong and the river will have a lot of fun with you before ejecting you, your boat and your paddle - one by one !






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