out and about - 2016


03 August 2016 ............ A grey day


Oban at its worst - low cloud, heavy rain showers, damp, 100% humidity - and the peak of the tourist season. Everywhere was crammed.

If you live there, you go out - it`s busy - you go back home, close the door, and get on with your life.

But if, like I was, you are one of the 25,000 tourists that go to Oban every summer - there is no escape.

I had a date with the Falls of Lora that evening, so couldn`t go far, so went along to Ganavan - it isn`t busy when it is raining.

Up along the line of hills that run north from Ganavan. The ground was totally saturated with water so I squelched up and down the hills.

But even in that weather there is still some beauty in the area, those hills have a fabulous outlook along the Firth of Lorne.

Looking down the Firth of Lorne with a light patch over the sea and the cliffs on Mull down beyond Loch Spelve looking grand but grey. The next rain storm is coming in from the left.

 looking down the Sound of Mull

Looking across to the Sound of Mull - and even the lighthouse on Eilean Musdile was grey and almost unseen.

 looking across to the Sound of Mull

Still escaping the rain were the two islands beside Lismore that I had been across to a couple of weeks before.

 looking across to the islands beside Lismore

On the last hill now, and looking into Loch Etive and the Connel bridge. A nice view - except that it is dominated by those dreadful white corrugated metal roofs on the houses.

I really don`t understand how Argyll and Bute Council can allow a development like that on an elevated site in the middle of what should be an area of outstanding natural beauty.

Don`t they know that urban planning and house building technology have moved on from shanty town corrugated tin huts ?

Those white roofs are a gross eyesore, and they dominate the area from wherever you are viewing it - you can even see them across by Lismore.

Can someone perhaps persuade them to paint those roofs dark grey ?

 looking across to Loch Etive - and those houses

A bit later on, and heading back across the hills to Ganavan - and Lismore is disappearing into the next rain storm !

 Lismore disappearing into the next rainstorm






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