out and about - 2016


21 June 2016 .............. Ardmucknish Bay


As you drive north from North Connel towards Benderloch there is only one place that you really get any kind of a view - and it is a fabulous view.

You are looking right down and across Ardmucknish Bay down to the Firth of Lorne, with a good view of the mountains and cliffs around the northeast corner of Mull.

It was a rather grey day today, so not the most visual experience, but still worth seeing.

 looking across Ardmucknish Bay to Mull

Just round to the left, and the spit of land coming out towards you is Eilean Mòr and Eilean Beag, and behind them is the woodland around Dunstaffnage Castle. Beyond that you are looking down the line of hills that lie between Dunstaffnage and Ganavan.

There is a path that runs round the coast from Dunstaffnage to Ganavan, but halfway round there is a deep gash into the hillside, and to get past the gash you have to cross over the top of the gash, then work your way round an exposed rock face right above the gash. It is not for the faint hearted.

 looking across towards Dunstaffnage






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