out and about - 2016


29 April 2016 .............. Rest Bay


A cold wind, but apart from that it was a beautiful evening, and out on my bike I discovered that the tide was out, and Rest Bay was almost deserted - so down the ramp on to the beach - and the sand was in perfect condition for a bike - damp, firm, and not blowing about in the wind.

So I had a great ride right along the full length of Rest Bay - over 2 kilometres in length - this is looking southeast along quite a lot of it, with a great backdrop of the Exmoor and Devon coast.

 looking across Rest Bay

There was quite good visibility across the Bristol Channel, and the sun was high enough in the sky and far enough round to the north west that it was lighting up most of the Exmoor and Devon coast, and it provided the best view I have seen so far of the coast - I can`t really tell looking across the Bristol Channel, but there seems to be some quite extensive sections of large cliffs. It looks like it would be a good coastline to explore by sea kayak.

This was the view across to Foreland Point, and I could quite clearly see the white blob of the lighthouse - it appears to be perched right in the middle of the cliffs with no possible way down to it - however Google found some pages that advise there is a road with three hairpin bends in it, then 59 granite steps down to the lighthouse - I am not surprised.

You can just see the white dot just left of centre in this picture.

 looking across the Bristol Channel to Foreland Point

The tide was low enough for me to get right up to the north west end of Rest Bay - this is looking back along the beach past The Rest ( the big building ), and the golf club.

 looking back down Rest Bay

As I was starting to head back, I came across this bit of beach where there were a host of little springs bubbling up - I have no idea what causes them, but there was quite a lot of water coming off them.

 the springs

 the springs

Right down at the other end of Rest Bay now, not quite as far as Hutchwns Point, and there is a section of quite good cliffs - they are bigger than they look in this picture.

 the cliffs at the bottom end of Rest Bay

The tide was noticeably coming in by now, and the beach was shrinking again - the big tidal range in the Bristol Channel means that once the beach starts shrinking, it does it quite fast. So I headed along the cycle path a bit, and the Ogmore cliffs were catching the sun rather nicely.

 looking over to the Ogmore cliffs

Heading back now, and the sun is getting low over the Gower.

 the low sun over the Gower

A last look over Rest Bay after a somewhat different and most pleasant trip out. It wur great !

 the low sun over Rest Bay and the Gower






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