out and about - 2016


16 April 2016 .............. Quite a photogenic evening


After quite a good day weatherwise - apart from one hailstorm - the evening was quite photogenic.

As the sunsets are getting later and later, the sun is starting to light up parts of the Somerset and Devon coasts, and tonight the west sides of two of the headlands over there were catching the sun.

They aren`t very good pictures, it was a bit hazy across the Bristol Channel, but I think this first one is the headland just to the east of Porlock - I could just make the houses as tiny white blobs.

 looking across the Bristol Channel

Along a bit, and there was another headland that had its west side lit up by the sun - I think that this is Foreland Point.

 looking across the Bristol Channel

A bit closer to home, and a massive storm is sitting somewhere off to the east of the Ogmore cliffs.

 looking across to the storm beyond the Ogmore cliffs

And to finish the day, maybe not the most colourful of sunsets, but it is always nice to say goodnight to the sun - as it sinks behind a bank of cloud over the Gower Peninsula.

 the sun setting over the Gower Peninsula






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