out and about - 2016


11 February 2016 .............. Around Oban


A cold but clear day, with good visibility, and I had three different trips out on what turned out to be a very photogenic day. The west coast was looking its best !

First trip was up to McCaig`s Tower, and an amazing view across to Mull.

Interestingly, from McCaig`s Tower you can look across Kerrera and see the islands just to the west of Kerrera - you can`t see them from up by the radio tower.

 looking over Kerrera to the hills on Mull

Looking across Oban Bay, over the top of the railway pier with no Cal Mac ferries at home - further round is the Northern Lighthouse Board base, with their two vessels tied up - I think they are Pharos and Pole Star.

The north pier is on the right, and at the back you can just see the radio tower on Druim Mòr.

 looking down on Oban Bay



Trip number 2 - a bit later in the morning, and I am up on Druim Mòr by the radio tower, then I headed right along the line of hills that make up Druim Mòr, until I am looking down on Gallanachbeg - and there is a great view away down to the southwest - here is a wider view of it.

 looking away to the southwest

A closer view, and I think that what we are seeing is Beinn Mhòr on Seil on the left of the picture, then the island right in the middle of the picture is I think the Garvellachs, to the right of it is Insh Island, and if you look closely, you can just make out Colonsay over the south end of Kerrera.

 a closer view looking to the southwest

Round to the right a bit, and the east coast of Mull was looking good - I think that we are seeing the section of coast down around Rubhʼ Aoineadh Mhéinis, Rubha na Codha, and Rubha nam Fear.

It looks as if it could be a rather good place to go and visit in a sea kayak, but it would be very difficult to get to it, it is a long way from anywhere.

 a closer view looking across to Mull

Round a bit more, and Ben More was looking superb.

 Ben More looking superb

Back along Druim Mòr to the radio tower, and that fabulous view across to Mull.

 looking across to Mull

Looking right out through the Sound of Mull, and the two lighthouses catching the sun - the one on Lady`s Rock, and the bigger one on Eilean Musdile at the south end of Lismore.

You can also just make out Duart Castle.

 looking up the Sound of Mull

Oban spent most of the day just on the edge of a great mass of low cloud away to the northwest - just across Loch Linnhe, Kingairloch was quite lost in it.

 looking over Oban Bay to Kingairloch which was lost in low cloud

Here is a long focus view across to Lismore, and to a small group of islands just to the east of Lismore - there are 5 or 6 islands depending on how you look at it, including Creag Island, Pladda Island, Cams Rock, Eilean na Cloiche, Eilean Dubh, and Eilean nan Gamhna.

They have a bit of an interest to me, as my trip out to them some three years ago was my last trip out in the Firth of Lorne before I went down to Wales.

 looking across to the islands beside Lismore



Well I did say that this was a very photogenic day, and by late afternoon I was out on trip number 3 - back up on the hills above Ganavan.

I didn`t go right up to Dunstaffnage, but went as far as one of the higher hills - and unlike the previous day, the view out to the east was much better, with Beinn Bhreac showing off its snowy mantle.

 looking across to Beinn Bhreac

Heading back down to Ganavan, and a good sunset over Mull to end a rather good day.

 looking across to the sunset over Mull






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