out and about - 2009


29 June 2009 .............. On Skye


Raking through a picture archive I found some pictures I had taken on Skye back in 2009 from the roadside heading up to Portree - they were shot at quite a low resolution, but with a bit of digital manipulation I have enlarged them up a bit. So not the best of technical quality, but they add a wee bit of history.

A wider view looking up at the north end of the Cuillin Ridge.

 a wider view of the north end of the Cuillin ridge

Another wider view - I think that this is looking down to the southeast, with Blà Bheinn just showing at the back.

 looking down to the southeast

A closer view of the north end of the ridge, showing the amazing ouline of Sgùrr nan Gillean, Am Basteir, the Bhasteir Tooth, and Bruach na Frìthe. The nearer peak is Meall Odhar, and is partially obscuring the peak Sgurr a Fionn Choire.

 the peaks at the north end of the Cuillin Ridge

The photo that has come out best is this one - a closer view down to the southeast, with the fabulous outline of Blà Bheinn showing a bit better, but still a wee bit obscured by a hill which I think is called Marsco - a surprisingly un-gaelic sounding name.

 looking down to the southeast






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