ron-t kayaking blog


04 June 2014 ............ Penrhyn Mawr


It was quite a good timing of the near Neaps flood tide for a play at Penrhyn Mawr, though rather dull weather meant the pictures are a bit lifeless.

It doesn`t matter how many times I paddle this bit of coastline, it is always a great experience, with fantastic cliffs and rock formations, especially around Dinas Stack.

So here are a few pictures - there was too much swell to either get into the cave, or go through the arch - they both have a large rock right in the middle which means that any swell coming in rises up and crashes over the rocks - in the arch the swell can sometimes seem to explode over the rock, it is a very impressive sight.

 the cliffs around Dinas Stack

 looking into the cave

 looking into the cave

This is looking out along the coast towards Penrhyn Mawr -

 looking along the coast towards Penrhyn Mawr

Another cave -

 another cave

Out by Penrhyn Mawr, and looking back towards Dinas Stack -

 looking back towards Dinas Stack

By the time I got there, the flood tide was well through its 6 hour period, and the innermost race provided lots of fun.

The middle race was a bit too chunky for me to venture out into paddling solo, but I did manage to shoot through it close to the rocks during a quieter moment.

Another group of paddlers arrived after a while, and eventually they headed round to the middle race.

So many thanks to the paddler who covered me, I got out onto the middle race and it was an interesting experience, however I didn`t ever manage to catch a wave and get a ride upstream.

Maybe I was concentrating too much on staying alive rather than on aggressive forward paddling !

 the middle race

 the middle race






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