ron-t kayaking blog


20 May 2014 ............ Cemaes to Hell`s Mouth


I haven`t had a decent trip out for a while - I had a trip out from Cemlyn towards Carmel Head a couple of weeks ago, but there was so much wind it just wasn`t worth the effort, and I gave up about halfway along, and came back.

The weather was okay for the early part of the day, but it was forecast for wind speeds up to force 6 later on, so I went for a quickie out from Cemaes to Dinas Gynfor.

It was good getting out again, and the weather was quite good, this is heading out of Cemaes Bay looking along the coast -

 looking out to the first headland

Further along, and Dinas Gynfor is quite a sight picking up the sunshine -

 Dinas Gynfor picking up the sun

Round the corner, and into Porth Llanlleiana, and the porcelain factory.

 the porcelain factory in Porth Llanlleiana

Out of the bay, and round to the point of Dinas Gynfor - the most northerly point on Anglesey, and two pictures looking back towards Cemaes.

 looking back along the coast

 looking back along the coast

The ebb current was fairly charging past Dinas Gynfor, and there was quite a lot of waves and chop blowing down fron the north east, so the sea was quite lively.

After a bit of swithering I gave it a go, and headed out and round towards Hell`s Mouth.

It was very slow against the current which flows round there, but eventually I got into more sheltered water close to Hell`s Mouth.

This is looking further along the coast -

 looking along the coast beyond Hell`s Mouth

Right in towards the small beach there it was flat calm, so I landed for a pit stop - just up above me on a steep bank there was area of primoses - not a flower you would normally associate with a place with a fearsome reputation called Hell`s Mouth.

 an area of primroses growing up on the bank

Time to head back, and I was looking forward to going with the current this time - it was also very noticeable how much the weather had changed in the short time I had been there, with a lot of cloud coming over. So the pictures have a different character now.

There is a neat channel on the way back between the coast and some rocky islands, and you can get an interesting ride through it sometimes on the swell. This is looking out from the channel back towards the point of Dinas Gynfor.

 looking out from the gap towards Dinas Gynfor

The ride back around Dinas Gynfor was pushing my comfort zone a bit, but once it was over, I decided it was quite exciting !

By now Middle Mouse was looking very grey, but it appeared that the upper rocks are beginning to turn white, so I guess all the usual birds are back in residence.

 looking across to Middle Mouse

By the time I was getting back towards Cemaes bay, the weather was getting quite threatening - this is looking into Llanbadrig Cove.

 looking into Llanbadrig Cove

Heavy clouds hanging over Cemaes -

 heavy clouds hanging over Cemaes

A bit round from Cemaes, and a massive rain storm is drenching somewhere over towards Holyhead.

 a heavy rain storm out towards Holyhead

Just as I headed into Cemaes Bay I got the rain - it only lasted five minutes or so, but it was some rain !

But all in all it was a good trip, with a bit of an extra dimension.






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