ron-t kayaking blog


27 July 2013 .............. Cemaes to Middle Mouse


I had a very lazy day out today - Cemaes to Middle Mouse. The weather is going downhill tomorrow, so I reckoned I`d get out whilst the going was good.

There isn`t really much to say about it - conditions were good, it was in the closing stages of the flood tide, and I just went there. Paddled around the island a couple of times - much fewer birds than when I was last there - most of the big mass of birds that caused all the white on the rocks are gone - were they Guillemots ?

After a quick mobile teabreak, I headed back across to Porth Llanlleiana, landed there, climbed up on to Llanlleiana Head, back down and it was time for another teabreak.

Then I set off for Cemaes, but then decided I didn`t want to go back yet, so headed back out to Middle Mouse again.

Isn`t it strange - a few weeks ago I did my first trip out to Middle Mouse, and it was a major epic. Today, on my third (and fourth) trip out - I never gave it a second thought.

I do think that my modified Isel is so good to paddle my confidence level is going up in leaps and bounds.

I`m not sure I should still be calling it an Isel - it`s significantly different now. Maybe it`s a Rockpool Ron-t, or a Ron-t Chwarae, or a Rockpool Chwarae, or something like that.

It was a different world back at Cemaes - the car park was absolutely crammed, and the beach ------ it was high tide, so hundreds of people were crammed onto the little ribbon of sand above the high tide line.

There were loads of SOT`s and budget inflatables, and a couple of jetskis, who were - somewhat unusually - quite well behaved.

And I had a swim, which was very pleasant. Then I went home to sit in the sun and have another teabreak.

No pictures I`m afraid - my camera has gone phutt in somewhat spooky circumstances. On my last trip out, to Penrhyn Mawr and South Stack, at some point I was away at the back of quite a long cave - I think it was a couple of hundred metres or so into Abraham`s Bosom - and I was trying to take a picture looking out from the cave. But there was a bit of swell, so I was having a bit of difficulty in staying still to take the picture. Then I just happened to look to my side, and in the gloom I just saw my camera case floating in the water - it had fallen out of my BA pocket. I reached out to grab it just as a wave arrived, just touched it, and it dissappeared from sight.

I went home, uploaded all the pictures from the camera onto my computer, and then the camera stopped working. It powers up from the USB connector, but not from the batteries.

A bit of a strange coincidence !






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