Windows 10 - services on 1607


Windows 10 Anniversary edition - 1607 - includes, I think, all the services that exist in the Fall Upgrade - 1511 - however it adds a few more.

Some of theses new ones can be disabled if you don`t want them, however 1607 has also introduced some services that cannot be disabled - I think, but not 100% certain, these are services that are used by Cortana.

Now Cortana may be sold to you as personal organiser, however it is has a more unwelcome side in that every piece of information that it can get its sticky hands on is pumped up to Microsoft and stored on Microsoft servers - and just like Google and Yahoo and every other organisation that can get away with it, Microsoft reads all that information and it is used to deliver targeted advertising.

In the Anniversary edition, Microsoft has gone to a lot of trouble to ensure that you can`t disable Cortana - Microsoft wants all that information, and they don`t want you to stop them getting it.

Many of the services that are part of Windows - all recent versions - are run by SVCHost.exe, and you can enable and disable these services.

However Cortana - or searchui.exe - is also run by SVCHost.exe, but in a privileged mode, so you can`t stop it. If you stop the process by using TaskManager or Process Explorer, it starts again within 2 seconds.

So at the time of writing, I haven`t found out how to disable these services.

There are some websites that suggest a way to disable Cortana, but it is fairly brutal, and I suspect that Microsoft could easily get round it with an update. The process may also break Windows Update.

Here are the services that I have disabled for the way I use Windows, your list may have to be different.



If you want to use the very useful System Image Backup facility that Windows 10 provides, on 1607 you need to have the Workstation service running.






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