Web services and Apache






Configuring Apache

In Caldera Linux 1.3, Apache very nearly works "out of the box".

However some configuration is required, and the files are located in the folder /etc/httpd/apache/conf/

Looking at the srm.conf file - the only changes for this network are to the following settings :-


DocumentRoot /web/web-1

DirectoryIndex index.html index.htm home.html home.htm


All the files for the common website are put into the folder /web/web-1, and by putting the path www.e-nor.loc into the browsers on the local workstations, Apache delivers the website.

Apache also allows users to have their own web sites.

Each user should have a folder called "public_html" in the root level of their own home directory.

Then they can place their web site files into this folder.

Enter into the browser address window the address of


Of course, the actual user name is used as appropriate.

Note the "/" at the end of the address, some browsers will not find the address without it. This is because the URL is pointing to a folder, rather than a file.

Another thing to note is that Apache is case sensitive with regards to file names. If a link on a web page has upper case letters in it, but the file name is in lower case, then Apache fails to deliver.

An interesting thing to note in this context is that the default for Samba is to save all files on the Linux server with lower case names. So Samba may change the case of file names unexpectantly, if it is being used to transfer web files onto the Linux server.

You can get round this by using the setting

preserve case = yes

in the Global section of the "smb.conf" file, as described above.


© 2002 Ron Turner

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