Wales - 2015


23 April 2015 ........... Snowdon horseshoe


One of the things that I hadn`t ever done is the whole of the classic Snowdon horseshoe - from Pen-y-Pass, up the east ridge of Crib Goch, along Crib Goch and up to Garnedd Ugain, then up to Snowdon, returning via Y Lliwedd, and the Miners Track back to Pen-y-Pass.

I have done various bits of it - twice up Crib Goch, twice up Snowdon, and once over Y Lliwedd - but I hadn`t ever done it all in one go.

So now I have - it is a fair trek, and it presents a fair amount of scrambling, but it is a rewarding day.

This is just after starting up the Pyg Track, looking up to Crib Goch -

 looking across to the Carneddau

Halfway up the steepest part of the east ridge - and this is where the real mountain goats hang out -

 the real mountain goats

I don`t seem to have a picture of it, but there was a very young one in amongst the group - it would only have been a one or two weeks old.

Looks like they could all do with a hair cut !

 the real mountain goats

Up on the sub-summit where the north ridge and the east ridge meet - this is looking back down the north ridge -

 looking down the north ridge

Looking westwards along the Crib Goch summit to Garnedd Ugain and Snowdon - this is what is still to come !

 looking up to Garnedd Ugain and Snowdon

Having a break on the summit of Garnedd Ugain now - looking westwards along past Moel Cynghorion to Moel Eilio -

 looking westwards along to Moel Eilio

Up on the summit of Snowdon now, and the good news was that trains were not running, so there were only hundreds of people, not thousands.

I even got up onto the cairn without waiting in a queue for half an hour !

It was quite hazy, so not the best of views, but Crib Goch looks quite impressive from up on Snowdon.

 looking down on Crib Goch

So does Y Lliwedd - the next bit of the journey -

 looking down on Y Lliwedd

Working my way along the ridge between Snowdon and Y Lliwedd - and Y Lliwedd looks just as impressive when you are looking up at it -

 looking up at Y Lliwedd

The climb up Y Lliwedd was good fun - if you stay close to the edge, you get the best scrambling, there is a path for quite a lot of it, but it is well away from the edge.

Up on the summit of Y Lliwedd now, and looking south to Yr Aran - it may not be the biggest of mountains, but it still looks quite chunky -

 looking south to Yr Aran

If you look down from the summit of Yr Aran there is an old quarry or mine - I don`t know if it was a slate quarry, it could also have been a copper mine, there is another copper mine somewhere up at the top end of the Miners Track.

However a bit more interesting is a row of standing stones with top lintels on them - again I have no idea about its history - did it predate the quarry or mine by a few thousand years, or was it set up as something to do with the quarry or mine ?

 the standing stones

From the summit of Y Lliwedd you get a good side-on view of Crib Goch, which gives you a good idea of the steepness of the east ridge, as well as showing off the pinnacles nicely.

 looking across to Crib Goch

Time to head down - looking down on Llyn Llydaw - the path down has some quite steep sections, and eventually joins the Miners Track at the far end of Llyn Llydaw.

 looking down of Llyn Llydaw

It is a bit of a relief to reach the Miners Track, the hard descent is over, and it is an easy walk back to Pen-y-Pass.

It was a longer day than I have done for a long time - I think it was about 7½ hours for the whole trip - I am getting very slow going down steep bits, and there are a lot of ups and downs.

But a fabulous day !




I thought you might like one of the out-takes - when I was up on Snowdon, and taking the pictures of Crib Goch, a seagull decided to get into the action -

 the seagull dropping in






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