Wales - 2015


21 April 2015 ........... Tryfan north ridge


Another beautiful day, so I went for an afternoon climb up the north ridge of Tryfan.

It went well, I was being quite adventurous with the scrambling routes, though at one point I had to retreat a bit - I could see a way up, but it would be pushing me a bit - I would have had a go at it, but beyond it I could see a big wall of rock, and if I couldn`t get up that, I would have been a bit stuck.

So I headed down and round a bit - and found a rather interesting looking chimney that climbed up a good way up - maybe 10 metres, maybe 15 - I can`t put a more accurate figure on it - it was quite tempting to have a go at it, but again, I had no idea what I would find above it.

I quite fancy going to have another look at it - that is if I can even find it, I don`t think I have ever gone up the north ridge of Tryfan the same way twice.

So it was back to the more normal scrambling, and up and up.

On the flat rocky area at the foot of the steep rocky climb, I sat and had a cup of tea and some sticky buns to boost my fluid and sugar levels, then set off up the steep bit.

I don`t know quite what happened, but somehow I veered off to the left, and ended up looking down into a steep gully, with a big wall of rock above me.

So somehow I had come round the side - well I either had to go away back down and start again, or find my way down into the gully, and climb up that.

So I did the second one of the options, got down into the gully, up and underneath a big slap of rock, climbed up the right side of the gully, crossed the big slab of rock, and then headed up the left side of the gully, and so up onto the north summit of Tryfan.

Then down to the coll, and up the edge of the ridge to the summit of Tryfan.

I was quite disappointed to have got there, I could have done with some more - but it was by now too late in the day to head over to Bristly Ridge.

However it was lovely sitting at the top - time for another cup of tea.

The nearby Glyders were looking good -

 looking across to the Glyders

The north end of the Glyders were looking fabulous - Y Garn, Foel-goch, and Carnedd Filiast in the front, with Elididr Fawr at the back.

 looking across to the Glyders

And of course I had company - after all, I was on top of a mountain in the middle of Snowdonia, so one should always expect a bit of company.

 the seagull

A most enjoyable afternoon out, but I do feel cheated that I didn`t go right up and over the steep bit.






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