Wales - 2014


01 April 2014 ........... Tryfan north ridge - take 3


Tryfan north ridge again - and third time lucky.

Success at least - right up the north ridge, including the steep bit, up and over the north peak, and up the main peak.

I started off up the path as before, but actually went a slightly different way from last time - the paths on Tryfan are like that, I`ve never gone the same way twice !

I even got right up to the end of the Cannon - on my hands and knees !

My boots just couldn`t get a grip on it, they were just sliding, so it was on my hands and knees.

 The Cannon

This is the steep bit higher up the north ridge, you just don`t see in a photograph how steep it is, because you are looking up at it, but it gives an idea of what it is like.

It really needs to have a person standing at the bottom, so you get a sense of the size of it.

 looking up at the steep bit of the north ridge

Up above the steep bit, and the scrambling gets a bit easier -

 looking upwards above the steep bit

I continued right up the north ridge, up and over the north peak, down to the coll, and up the north side of the main peak.

At the top it was fabulous - a bit of sunshine, and not a breath of wind, so I sat there for quite a while.

The air was very clear, so good views all round - there was some low cloud around - Pen yr Helgi Du and Pen Llithrig y Wrach both had hats on, but Carnedd Llywelyn and Carnedd Dafydd were completely clear, even though they are higher.

 the cloud sitting on the hills

A lot of the cloud was very low lying - it doesn`t show too well in this picture, but beyond Bethesda and out towards Anglesey there was a dense layer of low lying fog, and I was looking out over the top of it.

 looking out over the fog layer

The range of tops out to the northwest of Y Garn were looking fabulous - it would be a good ridge walk.

 looking northwest to Y Garn and beyond

Rather looking into the sun, but Glyder Fawr and Glyder Fach were looking good as well, and I had I think the best view I have ever had of Bristly Ridge - it is rated as a grade 1 scramble, but it looks like it could be quite a long committing climb up.

 looking across to Glyder Fawr and Glyder Fach

I have never noticed before, maybe it was because it was good visibility, but I could just see Snowdon across the top of Bwlch y Ddwy Glyder.

 Snowdon just peaking up beyond Bwlch y Ddwy Glyder

Once I was all packed up, I had a rather diffident attempt to see if I could get up Eve - the one with the sort of step.

I had absolutely no intention of jumping from one to the other one anyway, so I was a bit relieved that I couldn`t actually get up.

I had sort of given up, when a young guy came bouncing across all the rocks, took one look at Eve, and just sort of bounced up on to the top.

Then jumped across to Adam, jumped back to Eve, and in one easy motion was back down again. He then disappeared as quickly as he had come back down the south ridge.

I think I can live my life quite happily without the Freedom of Tryfan !






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