Munros + Corbetts - 2009


31 May 2009 .......... Sgurr nan Eugallt

This is a corbett to the south west of Kinloch Hourn - with hindsight, I should have done it from Coireshubh, by the roadside at NG 958 054. However I didn`t, as I thought it would be a good route to start from NG 966 040, climb up to Sgurr a Chlaidheimh, then head up the ridge to Sgurr nan Eugallt.

It became a rather tedious ridge walk that climbs and drops rather a lot, and I was suffering somewhat from the efforts of the previous day. So I didn`t really enjoy it.

However I eventually got there - again, it was a stunning day, with great views, somewhat limited by the lower height. Looking south gave a good view of the previous day`s route, going from left to right you can see An Eag, Sgurr nan Coireachan, Garbh Chioch Mhor, Sgurr na Ciche, and Ben Aden.

photograph looking south

Looking eastwards, you are looking back along the ridge coming up from Sgurr a Chlaidheimh, diagonally across Loch Quoich to Gairich, and I think the corbett Sgurr an Fhuarain, beside Sgurr Mor. Ben Nevis is just creeping in, right over on the right.

photograph looking east

I couldn`t face going back along the ridge, so I dropped down and picked up the path to take me down to Coireshubh.

At least that was the plan - about three-quarters of the way down, the path dissappeared, and I ended up coming down the wrong side of the ridge, so had a longer walk back up the road than I should have done.






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