Munros + Corbetts - 2009


14 May 2009 ......... Sgurr a Choire bheith

This is a corbett at the eastern end of Knoydart, and quite difficult to get to, except by boat. So it was back to paddling across from Corran to Barrisdale. Nothing new in that - except on this occasion there was the most unbelievable easterly wind blowing straight down Loch Hourn, so it was a very slow journey. At one point the wind was so strong that although I was paddling forward as hard as I could, I was actually going backwards.

My route from Barrisdale was the same as last time, however I then turned off to the left and headed up the track up Gleann Unndalain. After a while I climbed up on to the ridge, and headed up the ridge to the summit.

Apart from the wind, the weather was very nice, and I spent quite a time on the summit, hiding behind some rocks. The view was quite good in all directions, though a bit hazy, here`s one photo looking out beyond Loch Hourn passed Ladhar Bheinn and Beinn Sgritheall to Skye and the Cuillins in the distance.

photograph looking down Loch Hourn

Looking east was just as good, here`s Loch Quoich, with the two munros, Gairich and Sgurr Mor, and the corbett Sgurr an Fhuarain in between them.

photograph looking on Loch Quoich

Finally, this time of Meall Buidhe ( in the distance ) and Luinne Bheinn ( in the foreground ), so you can see the shape of both their summits.

photograph looking across to Meall Buidhe and Luinne Bheinn

For the route back down, I followed the ridge all the way down, which was perhaps a mistake, as the lower end of the ridge was very wet and boggy. Then back to pick up my kayak.

The wind had eased a bit by then, so the paddle back to Corran was quite straightforward. About half way back along Loch Hourn, I stopped to take some clothing off, as I was far too hot, and took a picture of a rather stunning looking Stob a Chearcaill.

photograph of Stob a Chearcaill

All in all, it was a good day.






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