Munros + Corbetts - 2009


19 April 2009 ........ Meall Buidhe + Luinne Bheinn

These two munros are also on Knoydart, and even more difficult to get to than Ladhar Bheinn. They are a long way from Inverie, probably okay from the head of Loch Nevis, and a bit of a trek from Barradale.

I did them from Barradale by canoeing across from Corran again the day after doing Ladhar Bheinn - I probably shouldn`t have - my body can`t recover its energy store in one night, but the conditions were just perfect again.

Because Barradale bay dries out at low tide, the best place to land is at NG 875 063, and a track leads from there south and west passed Barradale, up and over Mam Barradale, and eventually down to Inverie.

The walk up the track was pleasant enough, passing a few people on the way - it always amazes me how many people you meet on Knoydart - there you are in one of the most remote parts of Scotland, and its full of people. Are they all trying to get away from the rest of the world ?

The track climbs to 450 metres, so it is quite hard going, and when you get to the top you are looking across at Meall Buidhe - and total depression sets in. Between you and Meall Buidhe is a huge drop. You are faced with either a huge drop, and climb back up again, or a longer unpleasant route contouring round the side of Luinne Bheinn, then up to the coll, and up to Meall Buidhe.

I couldn`t face the direct route down and up, so tried to do the contour route round. It really wasn`t a good decision - I probably dropped and climbed as much height as I would have done if I had gone for the direct route, I just did it in smaller bits, over a much longer distance. By the time I was half way up Meall Buidhe I was in zombie mode, and eventually got to the top somewhat brain dead.

I did manage to take some pictures - here is one looking SE, of the corbett Ben Aden ( on the left ), and Sgurr na Ciche ( on the right ). They are both very rocky mountains, and still await me.

photograph of Ben Aden and Sgurr na Ciche

I didn`t even try to take a picture of the ridge across to Luinne Bheinne - not sure why.

The route across to Luinne Bheinne takes you down a fairly steep path to the coll Bealach lle Coire, up and over Meall Coire na Gaoithe`n Ear, then down and up to Luinne Bheinn.

Just a note, if you`re ever doing Meall Buidhe and Luinne Bheinn in cloud - they both have multiple summits - one has two, and one has three - only trouble is, I can`t remember which is which.

The route down from the summit of Luinne Bheinne was down a ridge that drops from the east end of Luinne Bheinne down into Gleann Unndalain, and from there down another track back to Barradale. Thankfully, it was a much easier descent than that down Ladhar Bheinn. I got back to my kayak as the sun was disappearing behind some distant clouds producing a rather nice sunset, which I couldn`t really see, because it was mostly hidden behind the westerly hills of Knoydart.

The paddle back to Corran was almost magical - absolutely flat calm sea, paddling through the twilight.






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